HORIZON-CL5-2023-D5-01-01 – User-centric design and operation of EV for optimized energy efficiency (2ZERO Partnership)
e-volve CLUSTER
E-VOLVE stands for “Electric Vehicle Optimized for Life, Value, and Efficiency”. This Cluster connects parallel R&D activities in complementary areas to create significant impact. Funded by the European Commission, E-VOLVE demonstrates the potential of project synergies. By working as a virtual cluster, we aim to innovate across a wide range of EV components, specifically designed for the 3rd generation of electric vehicles. Our goal is to address future mobility needs in urban and inter-city environments, meeting market demands for energy efficiency, usability, and cost-effectiveness.
E-VOLVE focuses on developing components that work together to improve energy efficiency, enable fast charging, and increase driving range. By targeting these key areas, E-VOLVE optimizes the performance and value of electric vehicles, ensuring they meet the future challenges and opportunities of mobility.

What We Do …
We bring together various EU-funded projects that focus on innovations in electric vehicle transportation. The vision of this virtual Cluster is to realize and monitor synergies among all members, executing joint dissemination, exploitation, and standardization activities. By fostering collaboration and sharing knowledge, we aim to amplify the impact of each project, driving forward the development of next-generation electric vehicle technologies.
Active Members
Completed Projects